Hydropower plant Innstufe Imst-Haiming, Imst
The planned project will lead to improvements in the hydropeaking of the Inn during the winter months. However, it should be borne in mind that without ecological optimisation measures, the hydropeaking load will be increased, especially in the ecologically sensitive transition months, and fish larvae, but also completely protected fish species such as the bullhead, will be killed in large numbers.
Stand des Verfahrens: Status of the proceedings: In a ruling by the Federal Administrative Court on 6 November 2024, the complaint was upheld in ecologically important respects and the original decision was amended in line with the points of criticism raised by the Environmental Ombudsman’s Office.
It appears essential that deadly hydropeaking situations for the fish fauna in the new diversion section during the critical larval development period are now minimised as far as possible and strictly monitored. In the proceedings at first instance, the applicant and the authority had not yet considered such project optimisations to be necessary.