Tagpfauenauge auf Echte Betonie (C) Eva Hengsberger

Citizens Biotopes

Together we strengthen and create valuable habitats in selected communities in Tyrol. Citizens' biotopes are participatory places. Here we plan, design and maintain natural treasures as a community.

The project ‘Citizen biotopes – stepping stones for endangered species’ is funded by the Biodiversity Fund of the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology.




Project duration: until 30.11.2025


Project partners:

Tiroler Landesmuseen, MPreis


Realisation with:

Partizipation Tirol,  AGORA European Green Deal


Background information

Did you know that flower meadows are valuable habitats for numerous plant and animal species? Around a third of flowering plants can be found in meadows. On average, around 10 animal species benefit from each plant species. This makes flower meadows one of the hotspots of biodiversity!

Precious meadow treasures still exist in Tyrol. Naturbesonderheiten vor unserer Haustüre warten auf Erkundung. Sechs Regionen Tirols wurden ausgewählt, um mit finanzieller Unterstützung der Europäischen Union die Biodiversität zu stärken. Together.


Project goals

  • Exploring the natural treasures on our doorstep.
  • Strengthening and shaping valuable habitats.
  • Safeguarding the quality of life in the community.
  • Strengthening and spreading of rare species.



  • We are creating 30 citizen biotopes together with 72 local representatives of the population, science and (municipal) administration in six alliances across Tyrol.
  • We propagate and spread rare plant species.
  • We create new biotopes as havens of retreat and flourishing.
  • We maintain existing natural habitats of rare plant species.
  • We are taking measures to restore degraded habitats of endangered plant species.


Take part!

Your ideas and energy are needed to make our citizen biotopes lively and diverse.






Stefanie Pontasch, PhD

E-Mail: s.pontasch@tirol.gv.at

Telefon: 0043 680 2078728


Eva Hengsberger, MSc

E-Mail: e.hengsberger@tiroler-umweltanwaltschaft.gv.at

Telefon: 0043 699 12604659


Teresa Müllauer, MSc

E-Mail: t.muellauer@tiroler-umweltanwaltschaft.gv.at

Telefon: 0043 512 3486



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