Native Tyrolean Cereal Varieties
We offer tyrolean organic farmers
→ Help with the purchase of seeds
→ Expense allowance
→ Annual networking- and training event
Stefanie Suchy
E-Mail: s.suchy@tiroler-umweltanwaltschaft.gv.at
Mobil: +43 676 88508 82390
Our new info sheet
PDF Getreidefelder sind Lebensräume! (German)
Training and networking meeting, March 4, 2024
A total of around 100 participants were on site (HBLFA Tirol in Rotholz), took part online or were involved as speakers.
PDF Zusammenfassung aller Fachvorträge (German)
PDF „Landsorten – Verarbeitung, Vermarktung und Direktbezug“ (Josef Weghaupt, Joseph Brot) (German)
PDF „10.000 Jahre Pflanzenzüchtung“ (Christian Partl, Genbank des Landes Tirol) (German)
The Project
All started about 15 years ago – organic farmers from the Wipptal (valley in Tyrol) breathed new life into the native cereal variety Obernberger Schwarzhafer. Seeds from the Tyrolean gene bank formed the starting capital for further propagation. In ancient times Obernberger Schwarzhafer was grown to provide fodder for the traditionally horse driven trade over the Brenner pass. In the meantime several organic farmers harvest this almost forgotten black oat and even other native Tyrolean cereal varieties.
Native Varieties
Native cereal varieties and old breeds are robust and even grow on less intensive sites. Compared to modern varities the harvest volume is significantly lower. In harsh mountain regions the native tyrolean cereal varieties score with yield security.
PDF Sorten-Steckbriefe (German)
Direct Marketers
Genbank der Tiroler Landesregierung
Bio Austria
Edelbrennerei Kostenzer
Joseph Brot