Wildflower seeds
Recommendations for wildflower seeds
Many conventional seed mixtures contain non-native plants or cultivated forms. Such mixtures should be avoided, as exotic plants only provide food for a few native animals and the impact on native genetic diversity cannot be assessed.
Wild plants are flowers and grasses that are native to our region and have adapted to a specific location over countless generations. When choosing seeds, it is therefore important to ensure that they are seeds of wild plants that are typical for the area and originate from as close to the area as possible.
The quality seals VWW (Verband Deutscher Wildsamen und Wildpflanzenproduzenten), G-Zert (Gumpensteiner Herkunftszertifikat) and REWISA (Regionale Wildpflanzen und Samen) guarantee the origin from Germany (VWW) and Austria (REWISA and G-Zert).
To our knowledge, there are currently no seeds from Tyrol available in the form of a “flower meadow mixture” with wildflower seeds of Tyrolean origin. Therefore, when buying seeds, make sure that the seed mixture is certified by REWISA or equivalent. This guarantees the origin of the seeds from Austrian (REWISA, G-Cert) and German (VWW) regions.
Greening with Tyrolean seed is also offered as a service in Tyrol through the transfer of mown seed or the use of meadow threshing.
We are looking for species-rich meadows for the mechanised harvesting of wildflowers. You can find more information about the project (in german) hier.
Mag. Stefanie Pontasch, PhD
Mobil: 0680 2078728
E-Mail: s.pontasch(at)tiroler-umweltanwaltschaft.gv.at
More information (in german)
Saatgut und Pflanzen – Empfehlungen
Informationsfolder – Tiroler Wildblumensaatgut für artenreiche Begrünungen